donderdag 26 april 2012

Working really hard on my maquette-assignment

Hello everyone,

The last couple of weeks I've been working on something in 3D :o
That's something I normally would try to avoid, since I'm not very good at it and I lack experience, but it turned out to be fun!
I'm very pleased with the way it turned out. It might not be a real maquette and it looks kind of childish, but I don't care.
It's Sweden-themed, because I love Sweden, with it's little red houses and lights everywhere!
(I'm also learning Swedish by the way!)

I started with sketching houses and calculating how big they should've been (something that is really hard for me, since I hardly know that 1+1=2). And yes, I did make mistakes...

I started building them, and this is what they looked like:

I covered them in tape, to get the feeling of boards.
This is where the fun began!
(Yes, that is a UFO on my T-shirt)

I painted them the typical Swedish-house-red (I know there's other colors of houses there as well, I just love the red ones) and added some detail.

Then I started making the ground...
I used chicken wire to make the shape (which is very painful to work with, my hands are covered in little wounds) and then covered it in paper maché.
I painted the whole thing an extremely ugly shade of green.. (It looks better on the picture)

et voilĂ !
The hole in the middle will become a lake, you'll see!

I added a thin coat of brown on the whole thing to make it look a bit more natural...

Turned it upside down, cut a hole and started to put lights where they should be.

Flipped it over again and put the houses in their place. (The lights are inside the houses)

I then bought felt in different shades of green, which was super-expensive, but oh well, as long as it looks good, right?

Verrry pleased! These pictures were taken with the flash on so.. the colors look weird. They're much more subtle normally.
I had a lot of felt left so I decided to make some trees....

The only thing I still had to do was make the lake...

It isn't very clear on this picture, but what the hey!

The lights aren't working at the moment, I don't know why, when I get it fixed I'll post a picture of the whole thing in the dark (it was meant to be shown that way)

Just one more problem to overcome:
How will I get this to school tomorrow without breaking it?

Edit: I got the lights working again!
I will take better pictures in time, but here's one:

I'm thrilled for my jury tomorrow!

woensdag 25 april 2012

This is a stupid booklet

"This is a stupid booklet"

Dancing in the rain, I'd love to do that sometime.
He didn't...
I love winter, it's my favorite season of the year, I like wearing loads of clothes, scarves, hats,...
I wish I lived in a country where it would be extremely sunny half of the year, but the other half would have nothing but snow!
Don't get me wrong, I love being an art student, it's just that getting to school by bus and tram (during rush-hour) with a backpack, loads of paper, paint,... isn't a lot of fun.
Ever had one of those waiters who'd bow for you, even if you just came to their restaurant to use the rest room? I have :D
This isn't supposed to mean anything, there's just too many people who love to throw in "that they're in a band" in every conversation.. They bug me.
And these kind of people bug me even more, not that there's anything wrong with self-confidence. It's just annoying when you see people flaunting everything they have in front of people with really low self-esteem. (Don't worry, my self-esteem is just fine!)

Oh my, it must seem like I'm some kind of I-get-annoyed-by-everything-kind of girl :(
I'm not, please believe me. It's just so much easier drawing things you dislike, than things you love.
(well, it is for me anyway!)


Edit: The stupid booklet isn't finished yet, I'm just getting started!
I love ranting through drawings, 'cause if you just rant out loud, people will get annoyed, when you do it in drawings, they love it.

donderdag 19 april 2012

Hello my babies :o

And then,
I made a blog...

Hello world, welcome to the juniverse.

Not sure how this works really,
but since most of my friends have a blog and posting my work on facebook starts to seem rather stupid,
thought I'd make one myself.
I'll be putting some of my work online, tell me what you think..
Most of it will be for school, maybe some other stuff too.

Here, have some shrooms :)

Let's get started!

Oh yes, I'll write in English so everyone can understand, not only my Belgian friends :)