zondag 23 september 2012

You would have never guessed! MORE DRAWINGS!


Here's some more drawings I made recently..
(for a school assignment)

I'm sorry the pictures are scattered all over, I'm too lazy to put them right.
I like the king best.. He's a shy king, with chubby cheeks, which makes him amazing.

School is starting tomorrow, and while I was looking forward to it in the first place, I'm not so thrilled about going back now. Things are confusing already.. I wish there was a school where I could just draw five days a week and nothing else. Unfortunately, there is no school like that. And... I know other stuff is important too.. I just don't like learning and sitting in a classroom all day, it makes me sleepy.
Also, our location changed and although it's a really nice building, it isn't really prepared to have art students in it... We'll be working on the floor for a while I think. 
That was boring, I'm sorry if you read it.
Annnywayyyyyy, I hope you like my little characters. Don't know about it myself,
I think my 'style' is getting really fluffy and cutesy and I'm not so sure if I like it.
I might.. I'll think about it. These things happen. Thing is, I really like it when other people draw more realistic and with more atmosphere.. While my own drawings are well, weird and clean.

Also this is me, today:

Peace out.

woensdag 19 september 2012

a REALLY long post.

Hello everyone!
Long time since I've posted anything on here..
I've been very busy these last few months, with school (yes, I had an assignment during holidays) and, well...some other things too, you'll see.
I've been to Sweden again :)
God... I love it there.
If it wasn't so far from home, I'd love to live there, but I'm a mama's girl.. no shame in admitting it, I love my mother.. Can't stand to be that far away from her. Or from anyone I love for that matter...
Anyway, I wanted to show you my best-buy from the last 2 months; this is it:
It's amazing, and I just want to share it with people who might not know about cool shizzle like this.
It's called masking-film, and you use it to cover up parts of a painting you don't want paint on (or places you've already painted and you want to make sure of they don't get painted again). You let it dry and afterwards you just peel it off -which is actually a little gross..-
I'm going to try out a few brands, (this was the cheapest one), because I've noticed this one damages your paper if you put your coat on too thick or if you wait too long with peeling it off again..
I just started experimenting with this, but this is what I've come up with so far:

The pictures are really bad quality, beause I'm stupid and made these on a size that doesn't fit my scanner... But I like the way they turned out.
I fell in love with ecoline by the way..
I've used it before, but I was always kinda "ehh.. whatever" about it,
but now.. god, I'd make love to it..  

I love the way -with ecoline- the colors are very present.
That's what I don't like about watercolors.. the colors are always washed-out, faded...
I like my colors to be bold and say: "'sup? I'm in tha HOUSE yo! nothin' you gonna do 'bout it!!"

Oh yes.. I know my perspective is off, and some of these houses can't even be built (because of gravity and other "physical laws".. But I like my crooked housies.. They're cute like that.

I like the first one best.. I think.

I'm starting school again on friday, and unlike some people, I can't wait.
I love school and I've missed it.
I'm bored quite often during vacation.. Not that there isn't anything to do or due to a lack of friends, it's just.. well.. boring.. to me.
I love to work.
We're having two new teachers, Brecht Vandenbroucke and Brecht Evens..
I like their work and I hope they can teach us a lot.
I'll miss Gerda (Dendooven) though..
She was an amazing teacher, and I never told her, because I'm too cool for that.
I'll tell her sometime this year.

Some weird drawings...
I've been to Cirque du Soleil too...
Actually that's already a long time ago, but I've made some drawings and I'll show them to you soon..
I really feel that I've grown as an artist this past year...  I started taking myself and my drawings a bit more serious and found out people actually like my work...
I also think I've gotten better.. not that I can compete with the people in my class.. But my time will come, I'm just a bit slower.. I don't mind. :)
Oh right.. do you remember my drawings for nervous women?
(if not.. check some of my older posts)
My work will be shown in the exhibition, also called "Nervous Women" and a part of it will also be printed in their catalog:
If you want to read more about it:
(The site is in Dutch, I'm sorry)
It's my last day at home today, tomorrow morning I'm leaving for Gent again, and although I love being at home, doing nothing, enjoying the food that is cooked for me and not doing the dishes etc... I'm happy that I'm going back.
There's just a different atmosphere in Gent that suits me better than the one here in my hometown... or Brussels for that matter (People who know me, know I seriously dislike Brussels.. I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate it.. butttt.... I DON'T like it, so don't ask me to go there...)
I've just worked at a really big store in the Brussels-area for a month, and I've got to say,
I couldn't do this my whole life..
People are so so so so so SOOOO rude towards staff,
I just couldn't believe it my first days working there...
But I've made some money, and I'll be working there some weekends from now on as well..
Because. I. NEED. THE. MONEYZ.
ah, that brings me to something else..
I'm not sure if people will be interested in this, but I can always ask:
Would anyone like a drawing?
You just tell me what you want, what size, what materials,
I'll see if I can do it,
I'll try my best, give you a (reasonable) price,
you pay me?
I' just don't want to go through the whole 'I'm-broke-thing' for another year..
Maybe some drawings?:



I can do more realistic-drawings/paintings too, but this is what I like best (personally)...
Which is funny.. Because almost no one knows this, but I used to study painting, where I would paint realistic landscapes and portraits and think about perspective and anatomy..
So glad I'm rid of that..
I mean.. knowing about perspective and anatomy is good and all.. but what's the point if you don't like it, right? So.. I stopped, I've decided that realism isn't for me. (there are exceptions ofcourse)
I've also decided that working isn't for me either.
And with working I mean.. like.. physical stuff, lifting things and talking to people, being nice to customers.. I can do it.. but I don't like it.
The whole time when I have an annoying customer, I can't think about anything else than shoving a smelly sock in their yaps... or throw a rock-pie in their faces!
But no.. I have to be nice and smile...
It's okay, it's all inspiration for some art, right? :')

Okay, I'm done.
-feels like a REAL blogger now-
