woensdag 10 oktober 2012


So, I just found out, that a project we did last year in school, was online, so I thought I'd share..

My drawings are the colourful shapes and silhouettes..
The assignment was to make a very simple animation, which we thought would fit with the music that was assigned to us. I'm not particularly pleased with mine, but what the hey!
We were also given a partner, mine was Annelies Vanherck, a very dear friend of mine. 

Go check out her blog!!: http://vanherckannelies.blogspot.be/

Also, here's some other friends of mine, who are amazingly talented and make me feel small in their presence.. (but in a good way, guys! And, I never said this! I'm only putting things like this on my blog so people think I'm nice.. I don't even like you guys... ) But I make up for that by being the loudest one of us all... Which.. is ALSO a talent.
So please, click the links and be amazed! (DO IT!)

Lara Verlinde:
Koen Cassiman:
Thijs Desmet:

Obviously I have more friends than that, but they either don't have a blog or I don't know it!
(Or I don't want to put it on here... *innocent face*)

Anywho.. This Friday, the exhibition "Nervous Women" is opening at the Guislain Museum in Ghent..
I'll be there and look proud of myself. 'Cause although it's just one drawing in the book and the exhibition, it's big for me and I never thought anyone would ever want to hang my work in a museum, let alone print it in a book. So hooray!

woensdag 3 oktober 2012


 Hello hello hello world.
I just wanted to share my happiness with the rest of the world!
I love school. I do.
Coming soon:
* A picture of me and the book "Nerveuze vrouwen"
* Some REALLY REALLY big drawings/paintings
* Plant-studies
*Some nude model drawings
* a lot more...
I just have to get my hands on a scanner.
It's nice to be working again!
I feel like I'm actually taking big steps towards being a "real" illustrator this year,
concepts start popping up in my head, and I actually get to them and finish them now! 
I'm pleased! so so so very pleased.
Ofcourse I still need a lot of practice, but I'm working really hard, and I'm actually liking it now. No more concentration issues or lack of interest, I'm going for it!

That's all.